Soil Sampling

Agrolytix Precision Agronomy

Soil sampling assesses the nutrient status of your field, down to precise zones within the field.  Based on the analysis, a customized nutrient management plan can be developed to optimize plant growth and achieve your yield goals.

Consistent, precise zone representation with quick turnaround

Our Soil Sampling Services include:

  • Boundary mapping prior to soil sampling, either driven or software drawn. Or, customer may provide boundaries.
  • Automated precision soil sampling, using either grid or management zone sampling. Management zone sampling is a customized sampling approach based on factors such as yield mapping, seed/variety selection, planting populations, and/or other custom directed parameters.
  • Soil sample analysis performed by a certified private lab.
  • Fertility plan developed with customized recommendations based on grower needs.
  • Fertility plan made available via hard copy and/or software access.

Contact Us

Contact your local Coastal AgroBusiness Solutions Advisor to find out how our Agrolytix Precision Agronomy specialists can help you put your data to work.

Or call Agrolytix directly at 252-317-3612.

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