The Benefits of Soybean Seed Treatment

It is estimated that from 1997 to 2007 the suppression of yield in US soybean acres was close to 1 BILLION bushels!   The majority of this yield loss can be attributed to 4 major pathogens: Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Phytophthora and Fusarium.  Unfortunately, a large majority of our southeastern soils harbor these pathogens.  In addition to disease pressure, insects, as well as environmental and soil conditions, conspire to rob you of maximizing yield on your acre. Seed treatments are a key component to any cropping system.  Soybeans are no different.  Seed

By |May 17th, 2014|Categories: Home, Soybeans|

Introducing Drift-X DRT

Drift-X Drift Reduction Technology (Drift-X DRT) is a new Coastal product that is a specially-formulated deposition and drift management agent that reduces the number of spray droplet fines less than 100 microns and increases the VMD (Volume Median Diameter) of spray droplets. Click here for product information: Drift-X DRT

By |May 9th, 2014|Categories: Home|

Adjust Those Adjuvants

Dr. Dan Talks Agronomy Adjust Those Adjuvants By: Dan Davidson, DTN Contributing Agronomist Adjuvants are important to good herbicide coverage, but they are not all created equal. (DTN photo by Jim Patrico) Adjuvants are too often an afterthought. The products we use -- surfactants, oils, fertilizers, stickers, drift retardants -- haven't changed much over the years, but there are new things to consider each year with the introduction of new herbicides and new weed-control issues. I asked Richard Zollinger, weed scientist at North Dakota State University, to give

By |March 31st, 2014|Categories: Home|