Northern Corn Leaf Blight (NCLB) has recently been found in some of our service areas in SC.  NCLB can affect corn yields, and yield losses are most severe when NCLB attacks the plants early and then spreads to the upper leaves during early ear fill.

Northern Corn Leaf Blight

Northern Corn Leaf Blight

The disease is most prevalent during moderate temperatures (64-80F) with long periods of leaf moisture in wet, humid weather.  NCLB typically appears at or after silking, but the disease is usually more severe when infection occurs earlier.

While there are some varieties that have some resistance to the disease, the best way to manage NCLB is with a preventive fungicide application.  Fungicides do not impact pollination.

Note that fungicides that control NCLB also control other corn diseases such as Southern Rust, anthracnose, etc.

Treatment recommendations will vary depending on the timing of the application, so contact your Coastal Solutions Advisor for guidelines and scouting assistance.

Information provided by Coastal AgroBusiness, Inc.